
Carl Boyd Post 42




Auxiliary Officer Installment ceremony



Independence Day Parade

The American Legion Auxiliary supported the annual

Independence Day Parade


Memorial Day ceremony on 27 May, 2024

While American Legion Commander looks on,

Lisa Papp lays a cremonial wreath during the 2024 Memorial Day ceremony.


American Legion Auxiliary Officers 2023-2024

         President:  Lisa Marie Papp 770-597-9730


1st Vice President/Jenifer Heath 


2nd Vice President/Courtney McManus 


Secretary: Kay Deising 

Treasurer: Dr. Cindy Schwartz

Historian: Leann Papp

 Chaplain: Lorelei Tullar 

      Sergeant at Arms: Alexis Raines

Honorary Sergeant at Arms: Terryl Abernathy


National Poppy Day efforts


American Legion Auxiliary

American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) members and volunteers step up to advance our mission of service to veterans, military and their families!

This past year, American Legion Auxiliary members’ volunteer service of more than 40 million hours plus $37 million raised and spent on mission outreach has a collective value of $1.7 billion in service to veterans, military children and communities!

Over the years, The American Legion Family has influenced considerable social change in America, won hundreds of benefits for veterans, helped military families through transition and produced many important programs for our country’s youth.

Today, ALA members across the country are helping military families cope with the effects of multiple deployments. The toll on our all-volunteer force and their families has been enormous.